Monday, February 3, 2014

Winter Cleaning

Jason and I got married in October, and we got the apartment into an acceptable condition in time to have a party for the Clemson/Carolina game in November. Then we decorated for Christmas. Once that was over it's been an endless cycle of cleaning up and having people over for the past month. No joke, we've had company four times in the past two weeks!

I'm so tired of cleaning, especially since I'm just treading water so that it's acceptable. I haven't yet had the opportunity to really get into our guest room and do what I want with it, or organize our closet and make our bedroom homey. It's starting to effect my mood. I feel like I'm in a rut and I don't want to do anything when I'm home because its just so overwhelming!

So I sat down, used pinterest for inspiration, and created a game plan.

Monday: Kitchen
Organize Cabinets

Tuesday: Living Room
Clean Desk & Organize Power cords
Finish Wedding Picture Collage

Wednesday: Bathrooms
CleanOrganize Cabinets and Linen Closet

Thursday: Closets
Straighten & Organize

Friday: Guest Room
Take Trashbag(s) and go through clutter!
Make a donate pile

Saturday: Mix Bag
Install overhead fan/light in guestroom
Straighten Chests of Drawers & Nightstands
Organize Pantry
Clean Fridge
Catch up any laundry from the week

Sunday: Relax
i.e. celebrate my sister's birthday!

Of course once I get it where I want it, the goal would be to keep it that way!

Do you have any tips or tricks for keeping your space clean and organized?


Natalie said...

I try and try to keep ahead of the clutter in my house, but with a baby (who has figured out how to crawl), a dog that sheds like crazy, and a husband who leaves stuff in a trail wherever he goes, I feel as if I'm fighting a losing battle. Perhaps I should divide and conquer like you? :) Let us know how the cleaning plan goes!

Miss Angie said...

Man, I really need to work on this. I"m the most cluttered person ever... Well short of full-blown hoarders, they're more cluttered.

Unknown said...

I really like the weekly schedule. I am going to start doing this for my house.

Beth W said...

Best of luck! I tried to have a daily cleaning schedule and it just didn't happen. So now I have a list of cleaning chores that I do, and I rotate through them every Sat and Sun (2 chores/day), so things like cleaning the toilet get done every month. That's the best I can do. ;)