Sunday night, I whacked my head against a wooden fixture and I still have a knot on my head.
Tuesday I was feeling sick and dizzy and flushed. It finally dawned on me that with the holiday and my busy schedule, I'd been five days without my anxiety meds.... so that's what it feels like.
Wednesday was my birthday! I wore my new eShatki dress and it looks fabulous, BUT it's a little to eager to show off my assets.
There has been lots of wedding crafting happening at my house this week.
Jason is moving into our new apartment TODAY! What?! I'm so excited.
Tomorrow is my bridal shower so I get to see lots of people and it should be a fabulous time!
In case you're keeping up, my wedding is in 37 days!
I confess.... I've been shopping for a dress that will match my bridal shower.
I confess.... I'm so ready to be able to hang out with Jason alone. The past couple of months have been so hard not having any down time to just talk about stuff that isn't wedding related.
I confess.... I cried a lot over the fact that this was the first birthday that my Daddy couldn't call and wish me a happy birthday.
I confess.... I LOVE my new job. I like the work and my co-workers are hilarious. When one asked what twerking was, the other got out in the hall and demonstrated for her. I love them.
Stopping by for the link up on Amy's blog!
Congrats on the wedding! It'll be here before you know it. :) Hope you find that dress you are looking for.
Sorry about missing your Dad! Time goes by, but we don't miss the people we've lost any less, do we?
The wedding stuff will be over before you know it. Hope you find that shower dress.
Your new co-workers sound like a lot of fun!
Thanks for joining the Friday Confessional party. Have a fabulous weekend!
My heart goes out to you...all those firsts are hard. They are still hard when it becomes 3rd's too. I've been missing my sister quite a lot this week. Sending virtual hugs to you!
That's a lot of happy, for the most part (ok, wedding fun, anyway)! I want to see this awesome eShakti dress of yours!
Conggrats on getting married! That must be so excited. =]
Sorry about your dad. Happy Belated Bday though.
That is awesome about your job! It's always great to work with wonderful people
Mysocalledchoas sent me.
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