It's Friday! And I must say it has been an excellent week!
I went to my first Drive Game with Jason Monday Night and had a great time.
I made a LOT of wedding progress this week! I have hair/makeup covered. I have a DJ, I have paid help for my coordinator (read best friend who I don't want to be stressed), and dance lessons with my step-dad went soo well! I can't wait for October!
I sent off invitations for my sister's graduation party in two weeks, and they are adorable!
Today was my going away lunch at work. I got to spend some fun time with my co-workers before I'm gone. But that leads me to...
I'm going to miss my co-workers. I know the women I will be working with are super sweet and the job itself is going to be a much needed change for me, but I LOVE these women and it's going to suck not seeing them everyday.
They thought they would have my replacement this week, but something happened and they are having to do new interviews this afternoon :-/
I'm looking forward to the weekend though! My sister will be here and I'm going to see my precious little niece tonight.
Also, welcome to the music in my head this week..... You're Welcome.
Wedding planning is SOOOO stressful, so I'm happy to hear you have so many things checked off! YAY!
What are some songs that the DJ will play, if you don't mind sharing?
Great happies........
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