Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Tree Skirts and Holiday Crafting

I LOVE Christmas. I always have and this year I've particularly gotten into the Christmas Spirit. I'll be making my first batch of Chex Mix and Sausage Balls tonight for my Book Club's get together tomorrow night. I've always said I would love to just go into people's homes and decorate for Christmas. I love creating that perfect scene. I get to come close with my sisters from time to time. This year I made a tree skirt and bow for Megan. I followed a pattern I found for the size and it was HUGE!
This isn't a difficult project, but her skirt took about 6 hours to make, so it's not for the faint of heart.

Of course I had to have one for myself. Our tree is small so I scaled back the size and did something a little different.

Liam approves.

Tonight I'm going to work on a small snowman wreath for my door similar to the one my friend Debbie (Studio Bee Creations) made for my sister Jodi. Once I put the finishing touches on a few things I'll post more pictures! I have several projects left before Christmas, but luckily I'm about 75% done with Christmas prep so I should have plenty of time.

Isn't it pretty! You should check out Debbie's art, she's incredible.

How about you all? Any big Christmas Crafts?

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


The Crafty Wino

Well it's that time again! Join me and Aubrey from High-Heeled Love for Wino Wednesday! Once a month, the second Wednesday to be precise, we're linking up wine related posts. Vineyard recaps, craft projects, new favorites, the possibilities are endless, just like the perfect bottle of wine!

Ground Rules:
Display the button in your post.
Link up in the linky below.
Pay a visit to the others in the link-up!

So last month was my one year anniversary. (All together! Awww!) Because I'm such a wino and we LOVE fall, we decided to go for a drive into the mountains and visit a new vineyard!

I'd heard about Burntshirt Vineyards back in the summer for the first time and it's only a thirty minute drive if you take the interstate. Of course we turned it into an hour drive to check out all the fall foliage.

The tasting room was packed! They had a guy playing some live music and the place was bright and cheery. I'd love to go again sometime.

I was actually really impressed with their Estate White Wine. I'm normally not a fan of white wines. They are either way too dry for me, or far too sweet. I actually liked the Estate White though. It was a blend of Grüner Veltliner with Traimenette, Vidal Blanc and Petite Manseng. Those were new to me, and perhaps that is why I liked it. It wasn't too sweet but it didn't have that bite I associate with white wines either.

Of course my favorites were reds. Their Altitude 3400 was a fantastic red blend and their Estate Rose reminded me of a phenomenal Red Moscato. We bought a bottle of each.

Because it's Hendersonville, known for their apples, they have an apple wine also. There was a coffeepot of mulled apple wine and it was incredible! We bought two bottles and a pack of mulling spices to bring home with us.

All in all it is definitely worth a trip if you're in the area. There is a very nice patio area to have a drink afterwards if you want to make a day of it and there are some pretty pathways you can walk. We missed the vineyard tour at 2:00pm but I'm sure that would be really interesting to do sometime also.

So, fellow winos, have you made any new discoveries lately?

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Catching up!

I've been a blogging slacker lately, and I'm ok with that. We've had so many things going on and while we stay pretty busy I can honestly say that I've been less stressed this year than any other year in the past decade. Settling into our married routine has been nice and my business has really picked up!

I started making candles a few months ago, all those empty wine bottles needed a project. So I began recycling bottles into candles and decorating them to sell. At first it was just a side hobby but now I have a display at a local shop, The Vintage Warehouse, and it's going really well.

I still have the jewelry making going also, and I'm doing some other crafty things for the holidays as well. I have a show in Lexington on November 15th and I hope to see lots of familiar faces!